In Memory of




Condolence From: Maxine and Darryl Wright
Condolence: You will be sorely missed. You were a great cousin and an accomplished individual. We your family will always cherish you in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.
Saturday September 24, 2016
Condolence From: The McLean Family
Condolence: Our heartfelt condolences and thoughts of love go out to The Bethea Family for their lost of a love one. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matt 5:4 NIV)
Friday September 23, 2016
Condolence From: D Williams
Condolence: My Sincerest Condolences to Bethea Family, May you find comfort in the promises God (Psalms 83:18) gives us for the future. He will soon end all reasons for distress, even sickness and death (Revelation 21:4). Also, He will reunite us with our loved ones (John 5:28,29). May the God of all comfort be with you and your family now and always. Very truly yours, The Williams Family
Thursday September 22, 2016